Monday, June 13, 2011


If you were to ask Pastor Kirby, (my always friendly and excited boss/camp director) he would tell you that we are going on session 1.3 tomorrow afternoon.
However, if you were to ask me, I would easily tell you this will be session three but it feels like it could be session five.
What a difference.

It has been a long first two sessions. Now this is not necessarily bad or good. It has it’s negative side, being my exhaustion, but on the positive side, I have made close friendships with many staff members, and I am excited to continue working with them this summer.
 Regardless, thinking of this coming session as the very first (hints the “1” in the “1.3”) is indeed, a challenge. For every camper and sponsor camp is a whole new world, but for me, the routine of camp life is pretty much set in. My energy needs to be just as it was when the first batch of kids arrived and my patience should not be wearing thin just because I recently survived a difficult session.
This is where our camp theme, “Greater is He that is in Me” (1 John 4:4) comes into play.  Of course I cannot do this on my own, I am only human. But with the Greater one inside of me, I can have a new strength (Phillipians 4:13).
It’s a beautiful thing. And believe me, without it, we’d all be in horribly bad moods ALL the time.

This is just one of many practices and philosophies that make me adore working with such astounding leadership and stellar people.
The attitude of servant-hood out here speaks volumes to the kind of camp that is put on. As well, we as the staff of Dry Gulch consider ourselves ministers of the Lord in every department. Each time we get a new batch of kids we gather together in a meeting to remind ourselves of this.  
Pastor Kirby will say "Who are we?" and we will answer "Ministers"
"What do we do?"
“Serve God’s people”
“And how do we do it?”
“By giving our best”

That’s the motto people.
But the best thing about it is that it is not just a motto for camp, but also for  life.

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